Tuesday 22 November 2011

The Fourth Plinth.

About the artist;
Im trying to think what i would have done if i had some time on the fourth plinth.... i have no idea. probably just sat there and read a book. why not? :)

Monday 21 November 2011

For textiles

The Dynamic Architecture building, which will be constantly in motion changing its shape, will be able to generate electric energy for itself as well as for other buildings. Forty-eight wind turbines fitted between each rotating floors as well as the solar panels positioned on the roof of the building will produce energy from wind and the sunlight, with no risk of pollution. The total energy produced by this inbuilt ‘powerhouse’ every year will be worth approximately seven million dollars.

when i saw this tower, i automatically thought of the way i was stacking the felt peaces on top of one another to create an uneven stack. 

Sunday 20 November 2011

Pictures of Stina Persson, just to make my blog look pretty.

Life Drawing

I've been looking for different ways i can expand my life drawing skills and develope my own style, because i am interested in illustration i have thought back to the basics. I want to try using watercolour paints because they are my chosen medium when i am illustrating at home. I've looked up other illustrators who also use watercolours, starting with the obvious, whom i have alot to thank for because she was the reason i became interested in childrens illustrations in the first place, Beatrix Potter.
i love the crisp, neat style Potter has, however i would like to include more enrgy and movement in my own work.
i have found another artist i like very much, Stina Persson. i was drawn to the way she allows the watercolour paint to break free and take on a form of their own, there isnt much control which gives the illustrations alot of energy and movement.

Monday 14 November 2011


Cornilla Parker


Rebecca Warren

Rebecca Warren was born in Pinhoe. She studied Fine Art at Goldsmiths' College, University of London receiving a BA (Hons) (1989–92) before taking her MA in Fine Art at the Chelsea College of Art, London (1992–93). She then took on an artist-in-residence place at the Ruskin School, Oxford University, Oxford (1993–1994). Until 1997 a large part of Warren's output was produced as a collaboration with artist Fergal Stapleton.
She was nominated for the Turner Prize for her sculptural installations in solo shows at Matthew Marks Gallery, New York, and Galerie Daniel Buchholz, Cologne, as well as her work in the Tate Triennial 2006. A representative of the Tate Gallery wrote, "Her works combine a wide range of sources with a strong formal awareness, injecting conventional materials with a sensual physicality to create something wholly new.".
In 2009 the Serpentine Gallery exhibited the first major solo survey of her work. In 2010, The Renaissance Society, in collaboration with the Art Institute of Chicago, presented Warren's first solo exhibition in an American museum.

Folkert de Jong

De Jong was born in Egmond aan Zee in the Netherlands. He makes large-scale sculpture and installation. De Jong’s installations are life-size representations of disturbing scenes including human figures and props formed from materials such as polyurethane and Styrofoam; his work often references the uncanny and takes influence from the aesthetics horror and the history of conflict, war and politics.http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/artists/folkert_dejong.htm

Yinka Shonibare

Born in London, Yinka moved to Nigeria when he was 3, returning to England to study Fine Art at the Byam Shaw college of art and then at Goldsmiths where he got his MFA. he currently lives and works in London. Over the past decade, Shonibare has become well known for his exploration of colonialism and post-colonialism within the contemporary context of globalisation. Shonibare’s work explores these issues, alongside those of race and class, through the media of painting, sculpture, photography and, more recently, film and performance. Using this wide range of media, Shonibare examines in particular the construction of identity and tangled interrelationship between Africa and Europe and their respective economic and political histories.
Shonibare questions the meaning of cultural and national definitions.

Sunday 13 November 2011

Matthew Monahan- The Family Tree

This is an artist I looked at when I went to London and visited the Saachi Gallery.
I like his work because of how unusual the compositions are with a mixture of sculptures and images which make his work very unique.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Grayson Perry

Perry is an English artist, known mainly for his ceramic vases and cross dressing. Perry's vases has classical forms and are decorated in bright colours. There is a strong autobiographical element in his work, in which images of Perry as "Claire", his female alter ego often appear. He won the Turner prize in 2003 for his use of the traditions of ceramics and drawing in his uncompramising engagement with personal and social concerns.

Monday 31 October 2011

More Manifesto Research.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrealist_Manifesto#First_manifesto surrealism
http://www.ralphmag.org/AR/dada.html DaDa
http://www.artnotart.com/fluxus/gmaciunas-manifesto.html Fluxus
http://www.unknown.nu/futurism/ Futurist.


today at college we are researching what manifesto means, although i have heard the term before, i have not understood it's meaning fully.
definition: A manifesto is a public declaration of principles and intentions, often political in nature.

Monday 10 October 2011

Life Drawing

I had my first life drawing class today. At first I was a little awkward about the whole thing but soon settled in. to begin with I just used pencil to get into the flow of things, trying to remeber everything I've learnt about observation drawing this past few weeks. I soon went on to use grey markers which I found to be working well with, then developed my idea further and moved onto colour markers on layout paper. As I was doing this I realised I had developed a simple style which reflected my chosen area, illustration. I've been looking into this style and found some things I quite liked...

Monday 3 October 2011


New to blogger, I'm mainly using it for my college work. I'm doing a Foundation Diploma in Art and Design and my chosen field is illustration. Currently sat in the IT room in college trying to understand Blogger.